Visit of Archimandrite Robert Taft, SJ

I was honored to host Archimandrite Robert Taft and Sister Vassa Larin for a week during the New Year’s holidays for a period of relaxation, touring and video recording.

Our typical day started with private morning prayer – Father Taft rises very early and prays the Daily Office from his Slavonic Chasoslov. I then cooked breakfast for us all about 9 am and Father Taft then recorded a chapter of his book Liturgy: Model of Prayer – Icon of Life for a series of DVDs and CDs for OLTV.

After a relaxing lunch and rest period, Father Taft made a second recording in the afternoon and further conversation continued into the early evening. We then prepared dinner – Father Taft made “pasta carbonara” one evening, and I made a pork stragonoff. Of course, one evening we had “steaks ala Vsevolod”, specially grilled ribeye steaks marinated in soy sauce according to the instructions of Vladyka Vsevolod of blessed memory.

During their visit, we also had Msgr. George Dobe, Father John Zeyack and Seminarian Gregory Lozinskiy. My new staff assistants, Philip Rolfes and Lewis Rabayda, also joined us for many discussions and meals.

Father Taft came to concelebrate with Father John Basarab at my home parish of Epiphany Church in Annandale, VA on the feast of the Circumcision and St. Basil on January 1. On the following Sunday, we attended the baptism of Evgenia Maria Hayes at Holy Transfiguration Melkite Church in Falls Church, VA. Father Taft and Father Joseph Fracavilla are old friends, and Andrew Hayes, father of the newly enlightened, lived at my home during his three years of graduate study at CUA before he married last Christmas.

It was a great visit and always and honor and privilege to host Father Taft and Sister Vassa. Watch this space for more exciting future book and video projects in collaboration with them both!