Theosis: Becoming Like God
Eastern Christian Publications offers a monthly magazine and eZine called Theosis: Becoming Like God.
It contains daily prayer and short description for the saint of the day, and about a dozen short essays on topics for spiritual reflection from the Christian East. They include the history, tradition and theology of a feast for the month, and various articles on the mystical theology, prayer, spirituality, and sacramental life of the Eastern Churches.
Each Issue
Each issue covers other topics such as scripture, homiletic reflections, feasts and fast, and a photo essay of an Eastern Church.
The print/eZine versions are identical, and are similar to other popular spiritual publications such as Magnificat. However, Theosis focuses on the tradition of the Eastern Churches, and reflects on the call of Blessed John Paul II for the Church to “breathe with TWO LUNGS.”
Electronic eZine or Printed Magazine
Theosis is available as either a printed magazine or an electronic eZine (both EPub and PDF formats). You can subscribe on a monthly basis. The ezine version is FREE, but we ask you to sign up for a voluntary one-time or monthly stipend to cover our costs. These will be mailed (print) or emailed (electronic) to you each month.
Is this still available? How do I subscribe to the print edition?
William, I’m sorry but for economic reasons we stopped publishing Theosis about 18 months ago.
Is it possible to get previous issues now that they are no longer printing new ones?
Yes, we do have a limited supply of back issues.