Signed Books by Metropolitan Kallistos

During the recent visit of Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokliea (Timothy Ware) to the US, we obtained copies of three of his most popular books — The Orthodox Church, The Orthodox Way, The Inner Kingdom.  They were very popular at all of his lectures, and we sold nearly 100 copies of each.

Eastern Christian Publications will continue to offer these three titles in conjunction with the extensive collection of theological lectures that we offer by His Eminence through OLTV.  OLTV has recordings titled “Mystical Theology of the Eastern Fathers”, “Heaven on Earth: The Inner Meaning of the Eucharist”, “Ecumenical  Reflections: 10 Years of OL Plenaries”, and “Our Lenten Journey.”  We will be recording another series of lectures on the Doctrine of the Church in April and hope to have them available by June 2010.

As a special introductory offer, customers who place orders through our website (New Titles on www. or call into our office (703-691-8862) by April 20, 2010 for any of these three books will received SIGNED copies by the author.  This is a one-time only offer and expires on April 20.

So if you want a signed copy of these timeless and valuable books by the leading Orthodox lecturer, educator and theologian of the late 20th century, place your orders now.  Books will be shipped in early May.