The most important scholarly works of Florensky, Bulgakov, and Frank exist in English translation, this decidedly is not the case with Karsavin. Only one of his philosophical works has been published in English, namely, his Poem on Death, an appendix to the only monography on Karsavin in English, Dominic Rubin’s The Life and Thought of Lev Karsavin: “Strength Made Perfect in Weakness.” The present monograph on L. P. Karsavin is another offering on his philosophy in addition to the one written by Rubin. While not all of Karsavin’s philosophical essays are available in English all of his major philosophical treatises of the 1920s and 30s are in his personal library. Through this work, I hope Karsavin’s major contributions to philosophy will be better known in the English-speaking world in time—the present, modest monograph being an aide in this regard. 180 pages. $25.00. ISBN: 978-1-940219-68-4.
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