Spiritual reflections on the Gospel readings from Pascha to Ascension by Fr. Jack Custer. Full color, 130 pages, pocket-size. For bulk orders at $14.00/copy, please send an email order or call 703-691-8862 to order by credit card over the phone.
In the Introduction Fr. Custer writes:
“Paradoxically, then, for many people, Lent proves to be more spiritually beneficial than Pascha: there’s more to do, more to consider, specific milestones, challenges, goals. I have heard parishioners and friends who have made the Lenten journey with me ask the same question: ‘Christ is Risen. Now what?’ We need to explore Pascha as we have explored Great Lent, to examine its texts, its images, its liturgical and traditional expressions. We need to discover a Paschal lifestyle that can bloom and grow in the ground so well prepared by the Great Fast.”
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