CMA Book Awards Combo


Catholic Media Association Book Awards for ECPubs books, combo of three award winners.


Special Combo Package of Award Winning Books of the Catholic Media Association

One Mother, One Family: A Scriptural Meditation on the Rosary with Worldwide Sacred Art by Monica Shia Amparo

3rd Place in Social Inclusion, Honorable Mention for Prayer Books and Design

This Scriptural Meditation on the Rosary pairs each mystery with sacred art of Jesus and Mary from both the Western and Eastern Churches. The inclusion of this “worldwide art” in the Rosary book allows the reader to truly see the Catholic Church as universal and to see Jesus and Mary as sharing in our humanity. This book is life changing for anyone who wants to experience the beauty and depth of the Rosary as never before.  210 pages.

That They May All Be One:  Stories from an Ecumenical Pilgrimage by Sophia Martin

2nd Place for Ecumenism, 3rd Place for Pilgrimages, Coffee Table Artwork and Best Book by a Small Publisher

From the Foreword by Bishop John Michael Botean:

But I still didn’t know what I was missing, even during my pilgrimage, until I read the book you are reading now. To be sure, this book will bring back powerful memories in all of us who journeyed with Sophia, but it will do more than that. I did not realize how many details escaped my notice at many of the sites until Sophia’s careful cataloging of them here brought them to my attention. Her rendering of the events of those days showed me, to my chagrin, what I had not been paying attention to, what I had been missing. By this I mean more than the physical details of the places themselves; her profound appreciation of each place from the point of view of her deep spirituality made me wonder if I had really been on the same trip.

To read this book is to be given the privilege of seeing the events and places of those days through the eyes of a true witness, of someone who gives voice to the meaning of her experiences as few of us can … 290 pages

Our Ecumenical Friend: A Tribute to Metropolitan Kallistos by Jack Figel

3rd Place for Ecumenism

This book is a collection of essays compiled by Jack Figel with a reflection of “stories” from travels around the world with His Grace.  It contains lectures about the Ravenna Agreed Statement by Msgr. Paul McPartlan and +Kallistos at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. It also includes the lecture “An Insiderer’s View of the Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue when +Kallistos received the Ecumenism Award from the Washington Theological Consortium and the interview conducted by Jack Figel with His Grace on “Sister Churches 101: What the Person in the Pew Needs to Know.”  172 pages

3 books regular price $95.00: Combo price $75.00.


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