I’m happy to announce a new book from Eastern Christian Publications. Here are further details from the Introduction by the editors, Archimandrite Serge Keleher and myself:
“Eastern Christian Publications takes pride in presenting a long-overdue reprint of J. N. W. Robertson’s 1894 Greek-English service book. The book is actually a Greek Ieratikon with a parallel English translation – and it is perhaps the most complete edition of the Ieratikon that we have found.
Judging by the size of the 1894 edition, Robertson meant his book to be used by English-speaking visitors to Greek churches, probably while they were in Greece or in Asia Minor. It still serves that purpose – we have used it quite conveniently during services in Athens and in Constantinople, and been grateful for the small size, given today’s strict baggage rules.
We expect that most of the book’s readers will want it because they wish to study the present Greek edition in as complete a form as possible and, while they have some knowledge of Greek, they need the parallel English translation as well. To that end, we have enlarged the book in this reprint.
Robertson’s translation is of value because it appears parallel to the Greek, and thus facilitates using the Greek for scholarly work. We’re not reprinting this book because we think that the English translation is a perfect standard, or because we wish to encourage anyone to use that translation for liturgical purposes.
During the twentieth century many more English translations were produced, and at least in some cases translators built upon the heritage of earlier translators. Some newer translations have been developed, particularly in the light of research such as that of Father Archimandrite Robert Taft and others.
However, we have noticed with considerable interest that some translations still in quasi-official use in some jurisdictions have clearly referred to Robertson’s translation, although without giving him or his work the appropriate credit. Even though Robertson is long dead, that rather grieves us. Robertson is still entitled to the recognition due to a leading pioneer in the field.
In 1894, the book was printed with no Table of Contents, so the reader had to approach the book in the hope that the injunction “seek and ye shall find” would prove true in this instance. We have added (in English only) a complete Table of Contents, both for ease in reference and to show the rich content of the book.
Since this book first came to our attention, we have wanted to reprint it, because we believe that English-speakers with a serious interest in the liturgical tradition of Constantinople will find it valuable. Now that this reprint has been accomplished through computerized technology, it gives us joy, which we hope that you will share.”
The book is available now at www.https://ecpubs.com/. Its price is $75.00. Call 703-691-8862 to place an order, or e-mail info@https://ecpubs.com/. Surface mail should be directed to:
Eastern Christian Publications, Post Office Box 146, Fairfax, Virginia 22038-0146, USA.