In the first half of the twentieth century, bishops from the group of eparchies around the world known as “Ruthenian” within the Catholic Church (churches associated with both the Unions of Brest and Uzhorod), petitioned Rome to promulgate an official set of liturgical texts in Church Slavonic for their usage.
This movement of standardization also had an ecumenical dimension in that Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky believed that the Slavonic texts could also be used by the corresponding Orthodox Churches, namely the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox and the Ukrainian Orthodox in both Europe and North America.
This collection of books was promulgated from the 1940s through the 1970s, with the last book, the Bishop’s Service Book, or Archieratikon, appearing in 1973. Some of these books are now out of print and no longer available, and I have been advised that the Congregation for Eastern Churches in Rome has no intent of re-printing these books.
With the encouragement of several hierarchs, both Catholic and Orthodox jurisdictions, and the authorization of Bishop Milan Šášik of the Eparchy of Mukačevo, Ukraine (Protocol No. 132/07 dated February 2, 2007), Eastern Christian Publications has reproduced the entire set of the Ruthenian Recension and offers it for sale.
The original seven books have been divided into twelve volumes for uniformity of page count, binding and ease-of-use (some of the original books are too small to read to too many pages in one book). All seven original books have been normalized to the same size – 5.5”x8.5”. The reproductions are in two-color, on high-quality paper, and hand-bound. A complete 12-page Table of Contents in English of all twelve books appears in the front of each volume for easy reference. The twelve books include:
Volume I: Evangelion — The Holy Gospel
Volume II: Apostol – Apostle: Part 1
Volume III: Apostol – Apostle: Part 2
Volume IV: Archieratikon – Book of Hiearchical Services
Volume V: Sluzebnik – Book of the Priest and Deacon: Part 1
Volume VI: Sluzebnik – Book of the Priest and Deacon: Part 2
Volume VII: Casoslov – Book of the Hours: Part 1
Volume VIII: Casoslov – Book of the Hours: Part 2
Volume IX: Casoslov – Book of the Hours: Part 3
Volume X: Trebnik – Book of Sacraments and Blessings: Part 1
Volume XI: Trebnik – Book of Sacraments and Blessings: Part 2
Volume XII: Moleben – Book of Prayer Services
Each volume is priced at $75.00 if purchased separately. The price for the entire set purchased at one time is $50.00 per book, or $600. Eastern Christian Publications will accept a check or money order for the full amount, or arrange twelve monthly payments of $60 per month on your credit card. (www.
By making these texts available in the 21st century I pray they will help achieve further unity of the Church of Jesus Christ, and preserve the scholarship and tradition of the Ruthenian Recension well into the future.
Call 703-691-8862 to place an order, or e-mail info@ Surface mail should be directed to: Eastern Christian Publications, Post Office Box 146, Fairfax, Virginia 22038-0146, USA.